Bonan Wei is an aspiring artist hailing from the picturesque Long Island, New York. Currently, he is immersed in the vibrant world of creativity as an undergraduate student at the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design.

”As an undergraduate student at RISD, I find myself in a nurturing environment that encourages boundless exploration and expression. The artistic community at RISD has been instrumental in shaping my perspectives and refining my skills across various mediums. The intersection of tradition and innovation in the curriculum has fueled my passion for pushing boundaries and experimenting with unconventional forms of artistic expression. ”

“Beyond the studio, I am an avid seeker of experiences. Exploring the diverse art scene in Providence and engaging with fellow artists from different disciplines has been a rewarding aspect of my journey. This collaborative spirit has enriched my understanding of the multifaceted nature of art and has become a catalyst for pushing the boundaries of my own creativity. ”


Critical thinking, conduct research and seek

diversified solutions

Industrial design professional fields include product design, 3D modeling, 3D entity model production, market research, targeted problem solving, finding targeted user groups, information integration, collaboration, Technical Proficiency, Visual Communication, and Manufacturability Considerations skills.


The ability to convey complex messages and concepts through visual elements, combining images and text effectively.

Design professional fields include graphic design, visual communication, Branding Expertise, website design, User Experience (UX) Design, typography, digital art/fine art, conceptual thinking, color architecture Material color application, iterative design and other broad fields with professional experience.


Documenting outdoor adventures and activities, combining a love for nature with a passion for storytelling.

Photography professional fields include 6+ years of rich experience in outdoor photography, field photography, studio photography, optical photography, videography, sports photography, portrait photography, street photography, film photography, darkroom photography, etc. Won multiple international photography awards from 2018 to 2023.